skot terrier futás

2016.04.16 Szombat, 08:42:00



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32.15 km


05:43 p/km (10.49 km/h)


It was the Gerecse 50 today which had been planning to do for ages. Unfortunately I had a problem with a student's dad yesterday which left me in a bad state and I slept terribly. The 2nd problem was the no. of people - it was terrible - and I turned back just after the Tardos climbing car park which was 17.45 kms. I then ran back on the road until taking the forest track which I used to use to go to Tb by mountain bike. At the sharp corner where you turn left to go to Tb I continued downhill to Agosztyán. Before the main road I took off my T-shirt. At the end of the village I turned left and went off-road on my old clockwise Baj-hegy route. Unfortunately I had wanted a shit on the train but couldn't go as I had met Szörny at the station and I had to have a pit stop after the last uphill. I then forgot to switch on my watch so I've estimated the distance (700 metres) and time(3.41).

I wore my Salomons and they were much better on the stony parts esp. as I couldn't run on the good parts very often due to large no. of people. Unfortunately I was able to run all the way as on the first steep uphill I walked quite a lot but after that I seemed to get better and there was no more walking and that was the first time I ran from Tardos up the hill to the Gorba.

5.34,4.53,5.32,6.39,8.52,8.19,6.59,5.29,4.56,4.46. I covered 9.57 kms in the first hour and my 10 km time is 61.59.

5.31,6.27,6.05,5.34,4.39,4.45,6.26,5.55,4.46,6.18. I can't remember my distance after 2 hrs but it was definitely over 20 which is proven by the fact that I ran the 2nd 10 kms in 56.26 which means 1.58.25 for 20 kms.

6.00,5.18,5.16,5.18,5.20,4.55,6.19,5.12,5.25,5.10. The Salomon aren't good for road running. 5.19 and 2.19 for the last 450 metres.

Used my black waist bag and that was plenty good enough as I had no spare clothes with me and started off in shorts and a short-sleeved tee.


Idő Táv
03:03:55 32.15 05:43 10.49 0 0 0 0
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