skot terrier futás

2016.07.31 Vasárnap, 11:01:00



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12.17 km Szint: 296 m


05:43 p/km (10.49 km/h)


Futapest Csobánka race. Well I fucked up this race very well. I don't know whether it was just the cycling on the Sat or the gardening as well, but my legs were in no fit state for the race. To make things wore I took the risk of running in my road shoes and that was a big mistake. First of all, even if it dan't started raining very soon after the start I don't think they were the right shoes but with the rain they were definitely not good. To make things worse The rain really held me back as I couldn't see and doe to very stony nature of the track plus my shoes it was very difficult. So nothing went right and there was even a guy who was faster than me on the long downhill so it wasn't my day. Came 61st, exactly halfway as 122 finished and I was 3rd over 60. Lci was pleased with his performance and the fact he was 1st in our age group he showed at the finish line. Apparently Lohn MIki suffered an injury during the race and was only 1/2 min ahead of me. He wasn't there for the announcing of the results which I was only there for because of Sana's stupidity. He arrived myabe 38 mins late having set off late, what a surprise! There were no showers so used cold water from a sink. The amazing thing was that we could go climbing. Mind you it is, as I suspected, a south facing wall so it dries out very quickly but I was very lucky being in not making a special journey for the climbing as, for whatever reason, taking off most of the bolts and that plus Sana's present poor climbing ability meant we didn't do a lot of climbing, and I don't think we'll go again.

4.57,7.00,6.21,7.34,8.41,5.23,5.28,4.23,4.12,4.55,5.21,4.43,16.3 av.


Idő Táv
01:09:36 12.17 05:43 10.49 296 0 0 0
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