skot terrier futás

2018.08.25 Szombat, 09:49:00



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28.34 km Szint: 951 m


07:11 p/km (8.35 km/h)


Pilis Trapp 25, my first organised walk with Éva, but this time, running. Better weather than last year ans sth happened which has never happened to me so far - for some reason the organiser didn't ask for the money so it was scot free. Went the wrong way at least 4 times, the most significant before Pilis-nyereg where I missed the left-hand downhill turn and continued on the green plus route. There were at least 4 reasons for this -the map was shit, my glasses misted up due to the weather and I couldn't see the signs, I mixed up két bükk fa és pilis-nyereg and last of all I was trying to catch up a runner and was flying and not paying sufficient attention to where I was going. 

The runner was the guy who I met for the first time last week, in Csákberény, and I met hime and Enikő, as per last week, at the end.



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